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Decorative veneer
Release time:2016-8-10 15:25:08      Click times:935
  (1) decorative veneer plywood is made of natural wood trim veneer plywood made of wood-based panels. Decorative veneer with high quality wood veneer is sliced ??or peeled after processing methods made.

  (2) decorative veneer plywood features:

  Decorative veneer plywood interior decoration materials is one of the most commonly used. As the product surface decoration with high quality wood veneer is sliced ??or peeled after processing methods made it better than plywood decorative properties. The product is a pristine, natural and noble, you can create the person has the best affinity elegant room environment.

  (3) decorative veneer plywood Species:

  Decorative veneer plywood according to the decorative surface can be divided into single-sided decorative veneer and plywood-sided decorative veneer plywood; water resistance can be divided into two categories according to decorative veneer plywood I, II, decorative veneer veneer plywood and III decorative veneer plywood; by decorative veneer texture into radial decorative veneer plywood chords to decorative veneer plywood. Common-sided decorative veneer plywood. Decorative veneer commonly used wood species have birch, ash, oak, water Green Gang, elm, maple, walnut and so on.

  (4) decorative veneer plywood classification:

  Our decorative veneer plywood standard decorative veneer plywood divided into superior products, first-class goods and qualified for three levels. Remind manufacturers and consumers are not in line with our other grading form decorative veneer plywood standards, such as some manufacturers logo rating of "AAA", which is corporate behavior.

  (5) national standard decorative veneer plywood performance requirements: our current recommended standard GB / T 15104-94 "decorative veneered wood-based panels", the vast majority of the production implementation of this standard. The standard for decorative veneer plywood in the appearance of quality, precision, physical and mechanical properties of three provisions of the indicators. Its physical and mechanical properties are: moisture content, surface bonding strength, dipping to peel. GB 18580-2001 "interior decoration materials, plywood and their products limited release formaldehyde" also provides a limited release of formaldehyde in the product index.

  ① national standard decorative veneer plywood moisture index of 6% to 14%.

  ② surface bonding strength reflects the decorative veneer layer and the bonding strength between the plywood substrate. National standards for the indicators should ≥50MPa, and the standard specimen number ≥80%. If the indicators failed, indicating poor quality decorative veneer glued plywood substrate, in use may cause decorative veneer layer open plastic muster.

  ③ impregnated decorative veneer peeling reflect the performance of each veneer plywood glued glued layer. The indicators of poor gluing substandard quality sheet instructions, may result in the use of open plastic.

  ④ limited release formaldehyde. The indicator is the mandatory national standard in our country since January 1, 2002 implementation, which is related products "birth certificate", from January 1, 2002 amounted to less than the standard products are not allowed to produce; this but also related products "market access card", from July 1, 2002 amounted to less than the standard products are not allowed to enter the market circulation. Formaldehyde exceeded the limit will affect the health of consumers. Standard decorative veneer plywood formaldehyde emission should reach: E1 grade ≤1.5mg / L, E2 grade ≤5.0mg / L.


  In plywood production, derived many varieties, the most important one is the original plate surface with a thin layer of plywood affixed decorative veneer veneer, called decorative veneer plywood, referred to as decoration on the market decorative plate or panel.

  It is noteworthy that a common decorative wood veneer panels divided into natural and artificial thin wood veneer panels. Natural wood veneer with precious natural wood, sliced ??or peeled after processing methods made veneer veneer. Artificial veneer is the use of relatively inexpensive veneer logs peeling made by certain craft glue pressed into wooden, and then sliced ??into a beautiful pattern of decorative veneer.

  Typically natural wood veneered panels affixed veneer pattern veneer is often good, worth the high trees, such as cedar, oak, rosewood, Ash. But in the product name should be described, such as "cedar veneer plywood," or "Ash sliced ??veneer" or "cherry trim." Several said the law "veneer", "slice", "trim" all reflect the "trim" the basic features. But not with cedar plywood, plywood, etc. Ash referred to as these short range means the plywood panels, floor made by cedar or Ash.

  Choice points

  (1) selection of different types, grades, materials, decoration and format of the plywood according to factors engineering properties, the use of the site and environmental conditions.

  (2) should be used in the decoration of precious wood sliced ??veneer plywood.

  (3) plywood interior decoration of buildings, should be consistent with the provisions of "interior decoration of buildings for fire protection design" of GB50222.

  (4) may damp the hidden part and water requirements of the occasion should consider using class Ⅰ or Ⅱ class plywood, plywood for outdoor use should be used in class Ⅰ plywood.

  (5) decorative panels required clear varnish (also known as edible vegetable oil), to retain the natural color and texture of wood surface, the panel should focus on material, pattern and color choices; if the panel does not need to consider the pattern and color, should be based on environmental and cost rational use of plywood grade category.
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